What We Do
Interview Key Players
Shed light on all corners key players may have that is holding the company back from the company’s vision. *According to Gallup’s research 87% of employees worldwide are not engaged in their work because employees do not understand why they do what they do.
Role Responsibilities
Identify responsibilities of employees and uncover where duplicate work is being done that will potentially end up costing the company more than two salaries. Harris Consulting streamlines responsibilities eliminating misunderstandings.
Team Communication
Harris Consulting establishes consistent leadership and team communication by using visual, auditory, and kinesthetic teaching styles. This ensures everyone understands the systems and executes the company’s vision at the highest level.
Talent Acquisition
We coach each employee to raise their leadership bar. If there is resistance to the company’s vision, then Harris Consulting will assist with new talent acquisition.
$37 Billion
Amount Spent in USA & UK for Employee Misunderstandings
How We Do It
Convey Vision
Leaders are visionaries and excel in their field. They often over communicate, or misconvey the company’s vision resulting in frustration within the leadership team. Harris Consulting takes the company’s vision and simplifies it for the entire organization to understand how to take action.
Communicate Vision
Establish clear job descriptions: define roles, create ownership, develop empowerment for each member of the leadership team. When a team member isn’t “staying in their lane” this is where everything from conflict to misunderstandings begin.
Implement Vision
Harris Consulting identifies the key metrics that will move your company forward and will implement a daily tracking system. Each team can track the numbers and results of their daily responsibilities.
Hold Results Accountable
Develop goals that match the company’s vision in each department to create flow of systems, not people.
Our Results
The vision is well defined and the team begins to change.
When results and profits are experiencing positive change.
Company has systems built, roles defined, and profitability.